Thursday, July 26, 2007

Firewatir 1.1 released

FireWatir 1.1 is released. New features are added to this release like:
1. Making it more compatible with Watir
2. XPI for Windows that show up in extensions list
3. Iterators for elements
4. Improved handling of javascript pop ups
5. Added code to show all objects in document or inside any element.
6. Add methods like show_forms, show_images, show_frames, show_links etc
7. Bug fixes

For more information on release please visit:

For downloading FireWatir and installation guide please visit:


Anonymous said...

Hi Angrez,

i'd suggest you add a

module FireWatir
include FireWatir::Exception
include HtmlBase
include MozillaBase

module HtmlBase
include MozillaBase

module MozillaBase
# Base class for html elements.

to provide Namespace clashes (i had to do it...)


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your work.

Can you provide a PPC version of the jssh-xpi add-on? It took me a night to find out that the plugin only runs on INTEL macs...:-)

Or at last a note that it only works for INTEL macs...

best regards


Anonymous said...

hi, Angrez

I just get in touch with the firewatir, could you please tell me where can I get the source of it? And I wonder how to use the 'attach' method like in watir.

Best regards,

Angrez Singh said...

See the unittests for more detail on how to use "attach" method. You can find the source on

sur said...

Hi Angrez,

I am suing Firewatir, I am trying to click on a simple JS popup OK button, but even after doing enough search, I am not able to get it clic on the OK button. I have read the discussion on Google groups etc, but nothing seem sto work. Could wyou pls help me to get a simple way of clicking the Ok button? If you want to have a discussion, pls drop a comment on my blog. Thank You

sur said...

Hi Angrez,

I am suing Firewatir, I am trying to click on a simple JS popup OK button, but even after doing enough search, I am not able to get it clic on the OK button. I have read the discussion on Google groups etc, but nothing seem sto work. Could wyou pls help me to get a simple way of clicking the Ok button? If you want to have a discussion, pls drop a comment on my blog. Thank You

Angrez Singh said...

Did you tried going through the unit test cases for clicking on JS pop up link? or you can try searching through google-groups for watir-general.

Deepak Rohilla said...

HI Angrez,
I have a problem. I am able to attach a JS window that opens and redirect input to it. The window accepts an input and closes itself on the button click. Now inputs are not redirected to original window. Pls help.
@ie1=@ie.attach(:url, "")
@ie1.text_field(:name,"bookingRef").set "19"
sleep 5
@ie.select_list(:name,"miscOperations").select("Apply Booking Ref")

Anonymous said...

You can create PDF file more simply check

Hardik Joshi said...

Helloo Angrez....

You have done a fantastic job...Thanks for providing such a useful gem..

I have played around little bit this gem..and it seems that it creates a instance of browser window on server side..not client anyhow can I create browser instance on client side...???